New Potential

Find your self, Walk Your Path

“Through awareness, creativity and communication, I help people who feel disconnected from their potential to find their core center and to live a new life that fulfills them and others.”

Presentation Video

Welcome to your new potential

Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Hi, I'm Xavier

What would you say if I was asking you: Who are you really?

My friends and family describe me as joyful, sensitive, curious, and free. For me, this is an unending exploration , a life contemplation! We are always in movement and at the same time, there is something in us that does not change: Our feeling of existence!

I've been spending most of my life running after something: Strong sensations, pleasure, money, recognition, love... After a severe eye sickness, I've been forced to look inside what I could not see outside... I decided to slow down my crazy ride and started to dive into a strong yoga and meditation practice and look for that inner peace!

It was interesting to practice and study with masters all around the world and at the same time to work as a consultant for a big company in Switzerland. Something was not yet aligned... I started to feel a deeper call for more integrity and alignment.

How to integrate these insights into a life where I needed to work, interact and adapt myself in so many environments? I found precious support in powerful tools like:

meditation (Hridaya and Vipasana), non-violent communication, shadow work (Men Work-MKP), Enneagram, breath work, life coach courses, bodywork (Thay massage), medicine plants, ...

Today, after 15 years of constant exploration, I want to share this with you!
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

My View on Coaching

To be honest, I don't really like the word "coach"... I see coaching more as a holistic approach, a co-creation.

If you feel the calling for a change, I will share with you precious practices to discover and integrate the multi-dimension of yourself.

At first, people often look for someone to help them on a specific topic. Yet, since everything is interconnected, it often ends up in more profound contemplation.

Did you ever notice that our level of energy and our moods are always changing? Is there a link between them? Is it possible to be happy no matter what?

During this journey towards recovering Your full potential, we will work on the body, the mind, and the more subtle aspect of yourself.

When all these dimensions of your being are aligned, you will feel alive, open, and full of energy! This is the beginning of infinite possibilities...
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Hi, I'm Xavier

What would you say if I was asking you: Who are you really?

My friends and family describe me as joyful, sensitive, curious, and free. For me, this is an unending exploration , a life contemplation! We are always in movement and at the same time, there is something in us that does not change: Our feeling of existence!

I've been spending most of my life running after something: Strong sensations, pleasure, money, recognition, love... After a severe eye sickness, I've been forced to look inside what I could not see outside... I decided to slow down my crazy ride and started to dive into a strong yoga and meditation practice and look for that inner peace!

It was interesting to practice and study with masters all around the world and at the same time to work as a consultant for a big company in Switzerland. Something was not yet aligned... I started to feel a deeper call for more integrity and alignment.

How to integrate these insights into a life where I needed to work, interact and adapt myself in so many environments? I found precious support in powerful tools like:

meditation (Hridaya and Vipasana), non-violent communication, shadow work (Men Work-MKP), Enneagram, breath work, life coach courses, bodywork (Thay massage), medicine plants, ...

Today, after 15 years of constant exploration, I want to share this with you!

My View on Coaching

To be honest, I don't really like the word "coach"... I see coaching more as a holistic approach, a co-creation.

If you feel the calling for a change, I will share with you precious practices to discover and integrate the multi-dimension of yourself.

At first, people often look for someone to help them on a specific topic. Yet, since everything is interconnected, it often ends up in more profound contemplation.

Did you ever notice that our level of energy and our moods are always changing? Is there a link between them? Is it possible to be happy no matter what?

During this journey towards recovering Your full potential, we will work on the body, the mind, and the more subtle aspect of yourself.

When all these dimensions of your being are aligned, you will feel alive, open, and full of energy! This is the beginning of infinite possibilities...
Xavier Lequarré New Potential
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Hi, I'm Xavier

What would you say if I was asking you: Who are you really?

My friends and family describe me as joyful, sensitive, curious, and free. For me, this is an unending exploration , a life contemplation! We are always in movement and at the same time, there is something in us that does not change: Our feeling of existence!

I've been spending most of my life running after something: Strong sensations, pleasure, money, recognition, love... After a severe eye sickness, I've been forced to look inside what I could not see outside... I decided to slow down my crazy ride and started to dive into a strong yoga and meditation practice and look for that inner peace!

It was interesting to practice and study with masters all around the world and at the same time to work as a consultant for a big company in Switzerland. Something was not yet aligned... I started to feel a deeper call for more integrity and alignment.

How to integrate these insights into a life where I needed to work, interact and adapt myself in so many environments? I found precious support in powerful tools like:

meditation (Hridaya and Vipasana), non-violent communication, shadow work (Men Work-MKP), Enneagram, breath work, life coach courses, bodywork (Thay massage), medicine plants, ...

Today, after 15 years of constant exploration, I want to share this with you!

My View On Coaching

Xavier Lequarré New Potential
To be honest, I don't really like the word "coach"... I see coaching more as a holistic approach, a co-creation.

If you feel the calling for a change, I will share with you precious practices to discover and integrate the multi-dimension of yourself.

At first, people often look for someone to help them on a specific topic. Yet, since everything is interconnected, it often ends up in more profound contemplation.

Did you ever notice that our level of energy and our moods are always changing? Is there a link between them? Is it possible to be happy no matter what?

During this journey towards recovering Your full potential, we will work on the body, the mind, and the more subtle aspect of yourself.

When all these dimensions of your being are aligned, you will feel alive, open, and full of energy! This is the beginning of infinite possibilities...

Am I Living My Full Potential?

(3 minutes)

Why Work Together?


Searching for new experiences brought us to many different environments, jobs, and relationships!

Today I can see how helpful and important it is to be able to see life from different angles. Each experience offers challenges but these challenges are gifts! Yet learning to transform challenges in gift is an art that comes by walking the path…

On my inner journey, I’ve been receiving many insights and golden nuggets; today I want to share them with you!


Searching for new experiences brought us to many different environments, jobs, and relationships!

Today I can see how helpful and important it is to be able to see life from different angles. Each experience offers challenges but these challenges are gifts! Yet learning to transform challenges in gift is an art that comes by walking the path…

On my inner journey, I’ve been receiving many insights and golden nuggets; today I want to share them with you!
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Spiritual Dedication

What is your main focus for this life? Mine is to live from a place of Joy, Truth, and Freedom.

This search for Truth and Deeper Purpose will force us to pause and be more aware. Sitting in silent meditation retreats, teaching yoga, and practicing Karma yoga changed my life. It teaches how to trust and open our heart!

When we live with an open heart, life becomes sweet like a mango… Yet profound inner transformations require integration in daily life and this can be challenging. Here I feel super inspired to guide you!
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Spiritual Dedication

What is your main focus for this life? Mine is to live from a place of Joy, Truth, and Freedom.

This search for Truth and Deeper Purpose will force us to pause and be more aware. Sitting in silent meditation retreats, teaching yoga, and practicing Karma yoga changed my life. It teaches how to trust and open our heart!

When we live with an open heart, life becomes sweet like a mango… Yet profound inner transformations require integration in daily life and this can be challenging. Here I feel super inspired to guide you!


Our life is a creation! It can flow smoothly or sometimes also be hard… yet everything is always in movement.

If we learn how to be spontaneous and bring freshness to our life, even the crazy rides can be fun! Using Art as a tool to find back our creative center is one way of finding back our own color. This can really be fulfilling.

The creative process opens beautiful moments of presence, availability, and playfulness… This is Grace! Every day I am reminded how important it is to relax and play!
Xavier Lequarré New Potential
Xavier Lequarré New Potential


Our life is a creation! It can flow smoothly or sometimes also be hard… yet everything is always in movement.

If we learn how to be spontaneous and bring freshness to our life, even the crazy rides can be fun! Using Art as a tool to find back our creative center is one way of finding back our own color. This can really be fulfilling.

The creative process opens beautiful moments of presence, availability, and playfulness… This is Grace! Every day I am reminded how important it is to relax and play!
Notre vie est une création ! Parfois tout coule tranquillement, mais cela peut aussi être dur et éprouvant… ceci dit tout est toujours en mouvement !

Si nous apprenons à être spontanés et à apporter de la fraîcheur dans notre vie, même les aventures éprouvantes peuvent être amusantes ! L'art est un outil précieux qui peut nous aider à retrouver notre centre, notre propre couleur et surtout de retrouver de la joie à exprimer ce qui vie en nous.

Ce processus créatif permet souvent de beaux moments de présence, de disponibilité et de joie… et lorsque la grâce apparaît , nous ressentons alors un profond sentiment d’épanouissement et de gratitude !
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Commitment, Care, and Availability

Revealing our best potential sounds great … but opening ourselves to the unknown can sometimes be impressive…

If you make the choice to change your life, grace will come! I honor those who find the courage to follow their heart and walk their path.

If you do the first step, I will commit to offer you a constant support and a caring presence all along our journey together.
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Commitment, Care, and Availability

Revealing our best potential sounds great … but opening ourselves to the unknown can sometimes be impressive…

If you make the choice to change your life, grace will come! I honor those who find the courage to follow their heart and walk their path.

If you do the first step, I will commit to offer you a constant support and a caring presence all along our journey together.

Joy & Enthusiasm

Did you ever imagine living your life with the eyes of an infant? Finding back wonderment and fascination for the magic of life!

We often believe that becoming an adult is to be serious. Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to be playful and silly… I believe that the path is the goal and this path is full of beauty if we open our eyes!

If we don't learn how to find joy in every step, we will never find it… Joy is now.
Xavier Lequarré New Potential
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Joy & Enthusiasm

Did you ever imagine living your life with the eyes of an infant? Finding back wonderment and fascination for the magic of life!

We often believe that becoming an adult is to be serious. Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to be playful and silly… I believe that the path is the goal and this path is full of beauty if we open our eyes!

If we don't learn how to find joy in every step, we will never find it… Joy is now.
Avez-vous déjà imaginé vivre votre vie avec les yeux d'un enfant ? Retrouver l'émerveillement et la fascination pour la magie de la vie !

On pense souvent que devenir adulte, c'est être sérieux. Parfois on ne se laisse pas jouer et faire des erreurs… Je crois que le chemin est le but et ce chemin est plein de beauté si on ouvre ses yeux et son cœur !

Chaque pas est la destination. La joie, c'est maintenant.


I Am confident to work with you on these topics:

Troubles Focusing

Bring focus and find balance.

You will learn how to direct your energy on what matters for you.

Once aligned and alive, you will find balance and peace.

Troubles Focusing

Bring focus and find balance.

You will learn how to direct your energy on what matters for you.

Once aligned and alive, you will find balance and peace.

Career Difficulties

Find integrity, joy, and motivation in your professional life. 

To give our best, it is essential to find enthusiasm in what we do. Enthusiasm comes when we are in integrity with our core values.

Here You will learn what your core values are and how to live in integrity with them. You will also learn how to set up boundaries and respect yourself.

Career Difficulties

Find integrity, joy, and motivation in your professional life. 

To give our best, it is essential to find enthusiasm in what we do. Enthusiasm comes when we are in integrity with our core values.


Here You will learn what are your cores values, and how to live in integrity with them. You will also learn how to set up boundaries and respect yourself.

Hyper Sensitivity

Your weaknesses are your deepest strength.

During our work you will learn practical tools to transform vulnerably, over-sensitivity and strong emotions in precious skills!

Stop being a victim and offer your best to the world!

Hyper Sensitivity

Your weaknesses are your deepest strength.

During our work you will learn practical tools to transform vulnerably, over-sensitivity and strong emotions in precious skills!


Stop being a victim and offer your best to the world!

Relationship Issues

Bring harmony, depth and authenticity in your relationship.

Learning how to meet each other is truly essential.

You will learn tools to interact from a place of openness, clarity and trust and meet the one (s) you love!

Relationships Issues

Bring harmony, depth and authenticity in your relationship.

Learning how to meet each other truly is essential.

You will learn tools to interact from a place of openness, clarity and trust and meet the one (s) you love!

New Life

Change the paradigm and bring new perspectives.

We don’t need to wait to be in a crisis to ask ourselves the important questions like:

What is the sense of my life ?

What is my mission on earth?

Why am I here?

Who am I really?

New Life

Change the paradigm and bring new perspectives.

We don’t need to wait to be in a crisis to ask ourselves the important questions like:


What is the sense of my life? What is my mission on earth? Why am I here?

Who am I really?

Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Bring focus and find balance.

You we will learn how to direct your energy on what matters for you.


Once aligned and alive, you will find balance and peace.

Trouble Focusing

Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Find integrity, joy, and motivation in your professional life.

Enthusiasm comes when we are in integrity with our core values. Here You will learn what are your cores values and How to live integrity with them. You will also learn how to set up boundaries and respect yourself.

Career Difficulties

Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Your weaknesses

are your deepest strength.

During our work you will learn

practical tools to transform

vulnerably, over-sensitivity and

strong emotions in precious


Stop being a victim and offer

your best to the world!

Hyper Sensitivity

Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Bring harmony, depth and authenticity in your relationship.

Learning how to meet each other truly is essential.

You will learn tools to interact from a place of openness, clarity and trust and meet the one (s) you love!

Relationship Issues

Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Change the paradigm and bring new perspectives.

We don’t need to wait to be in a crisis to ask ourselves the important questions like:

• What is the sense of my life ?

• What is my mission on earth?

• Why am I here?

• Who am I really?

New Life

Troubles Focusing

You will learn how to direct your energy on what matters for you.


Once aligned and alive, you will find balance and peace.

Bring focus and find balance.

Enthusiasm comes when we are in integrity with our core values. Here you will learn what your core values are, and how to live in integrity with them. You will also learn how to set up boundaries and respect yourself.

Career Difficulties

Find integrity, joy, and
motivation in your
professional life.

During our work you will learn

practical tools to transform

vulnerably, over-sensitivity and

strong emotions into precious



Stop being a victim and offer

your best to the world!

Hyper Sensitivity

Your weaknesses are your
deepest strength.

Learning how to meet each other truly is essential.


You will learn tools to interact from a place of openness, clarity and trust and meet the one (s) you love!

Relationships Issues

Bring harmony, depth, and
authenticity to your

We don’t need to wait to be in a crisis to ask ourselves the important questions like:

• What is the sense of my life ?

• What is my mission on earth?

• Why am I here?

• Who am I really?

New Life

Change the paradigm and
bring new perspectives.


I commit to open myself to a deeper wisdom and to listen to each one from the heart. I am ready to share, support and guide you with care and patience. I wish to honour the beauty that shines in each of us!

From a space of deep gratitude for what unites us.

I also commit to surrender in trust and acceptance to whatever arises during our processes from a place of deep gratitude!

Getting Started

First, we will schedule a free 30-min discovery call to see if and how we can work together.
After this, we will pick a number of sessions that best suits you. Each session is between 1 hour and a half, and 2 hours and includes work to be done at home.
Note that if your financial situation does not allow you to get the support that you need, I also offer low-income prices.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call

You can also click the button below to ask me any questions prior.
Here are the Session Packages:

First Steps

3 months, 5 sessions

Clarify, understand and bring a new perspective.

€450 (90 euros a session)

Walk Your Path

5 months, 8 sessions

Bring concrete changes into your daily life.

€640 (80 euros a session)

Inner Pilgrimage

1 year, 12 sessions

bring depth and autonomy to your life

€840 (70 euros a session)

Retreats & Workshops

If you are more attuned to group energy, and you would simply like to experience a different, yet equally beautiful way of growing, I also offer retreats and workshops in Europe, in both French and English.

The workshops I offer focus on a wide range of topics, from communication, nutrition, to conscious photography.

While the retreats I offer center generally around the teachings of yoga and meditation, some of which are in silence.

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The Quiet Joy of Being

Discover 5 simple practices to rediscover the quiet joy of being!

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