5 simple and effective practices to reconnect with Your Self!

Download The Quiet Joy of Being

How to simply Return to our

essential nature?

Caught in the infernal flood of active life, we often forget the essentials. This brings us to situations of disconnection, exhaustion or loss of meaning...

If you feel deep down that it's time to unleash your full potential and to honor life from a space of peace and joy, this little practical guide will please you.

It is obvious that this profound transformation process takes place over time, but starting with the 5 practices proposed in this document is an excellent start.

Based on presence, breathing, introspection and exploration, these simple and powerful practices will help you reconnect with the beauty of life.

From this space of connection and wholeness, life is creative, free and exciting!

My experience has shown me that this process can also strongly support our artistic approach.

Together, let's rediscover how to fully express who we are and make our life a work that resembles us!
Xavier Lequarré New Potential

Return to Your self

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Xavier Lequarré New Potential


What would you say if I was asking you: Who are you really?

My friends and family describe me as joyful, sensitive, curious, and free. For me, this is an unending exploration , a life contemplation! We are always in movement and at the same time, there is something in us that does not change: Our feeling of existence!

I've been spending most of my life running after something: Strong sensations, pleasure, money, recognition, love... After a severe eye sickness, I've been forced to look inside what I could not see outside... I decided to slow down my crazy ride and started to dive into a strong yoga and meditation practice and look for that inner peace!

It was interesting to practice and study with masters all around the world and at the same time to work as a consultant for a big company in Switzerland. Something was not yet aligned... I started to feel a deeper call for more integrity and alignment.

How to integrate these insights into a life where I needed to work, interact and adapt myself in so many environments? I found precious support in powerful tools like:

meditation (Hridaya and Vipasana), non-violent communication, shadow work (Men Work-MKP), Enneagram, breath work, life coach courses, bodywork (Thay massage), medicine plants, ...

Today, after 15 years of constant exploration, I want to share this with you!
Xavier Lequarré New Potential


What would you say if I was asking you: Who are you really?

My friends and family describe me as joyful, sensitive, curious, and free. For me, this is an unending exploration , a life contemplation! We are always in movement and at the same time, there is something in us that does not change: Our feeling of existence!

I've been spending most of my life running after something: Strong sensations, pleasure, money, recognition, love... After a severe eye sickness, I've been forced to look inside what I could not see outside... I decided to slow down my crazy ride and started to dive into a strong yoga and meditation practice and look for that inner peace!

It was interesting to practice and study with masters all around the world and at the same time to work as a consultant for a big company in Switzerland. Something was not yet aligned... I started to feel a deeper call for more integrity and alignment.

How to integrate these insights into a life where I needed to work, interact and adapt myself in so many environments? I found precious support in powerful tools like:

meditation (Hridaya and Vipasana), non-violent communication, shadow work (Men Work-MKP), Enneagram, breath work, life coach courses, bodywork (Thay massage), medicine plants, ...

Today, after 15 years of constant exploration, I want to share this with you!
Xavier Lequarré New Potential


What would you say if I was asking you: Who are you really?

My friends and family describe me as joyful, sensitive, curious, and free. For me, this is an unending exploration , a life contemplation! We are always in movement and at the same time, there is something in us that does not change: Our feeling of existence!

I've been spending most of my life running after something: Strong sensations, pleasure, money, recognition, love... After a severe eye sickness, I've been forced to look inside what I could not see outside... I decided to slow down my crazy ride and started to dive into a strong yoga and meditation practice and look for that inner peace!

It was interesting to practice and study with masters all around the world and at the same time to work as a consultant for a big company in Switzerland. Something was not yet aligned... I started to feel a deeper call for more integrity and alignment.

How to integrate these insights into a life where I needed to work, interact and adapt myself in so many environments? I found precious support in powerful tools like:

meditation (Hridaya and Vipasana), non-violent communication, shadow work (Men Work-MKP), Enneagram, breath work, life coach courses, bodywork (Thay massage), medicine plants, ...

Today, after 15 years of constant exploration, I want to share this with you!


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